
Our highest priority is your satisfaction with our 3D models. However, we understand that occasionally errors may occur. For this reason, we offer a return policy that applies to defective 3D models only.

If you have purchased a 3D model and find that it has defects or errors, there are steps you can take to resolve your concerns:

  1. Contact us: please contact our customer service team immediately to report the fault. You can do this by email or via our support form. Make sure you describe your problem in as much detail as possible and include pictures or other evidence of the error if necessary.
  2. Review and confirmation: Once we have received your report, we will review the reported error and ask for further information if necessary. Our aim is to ensure that it is indeed an error in the 3D model.
  3. Return options: If it turns out that the 3D model is indeed faulty, we offer you the following options:
    • Refund: you can request a refund of the purchase price.
    • Exchange: If possible, we offer to exchange the faulty model for a corrected one.
    • Credit note: You also have the option of receiving a credit note for future purchases.

Please note that our return policy only applies to faulty 3D models.

It does not apply if you wish to return the model for other reasons, such as a subjective change of taste or an incorrect order.

We will endeavor to rectify any fault as quickly as possible and offer you a satisfactory solution. Our customer service team is available to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have regarding your return request.

Thank you for using our 3D models and we hope you are always satisfied with our products.

Need Help?

Contact us at support@lacars.shop for questions related to refunds and returns.